Friday, April 6, 2007

Prime Time Sports Summary - April 5, 2007

Here are the NHL Stories from Prime Time Sports last night (National Hour):

Host: Bob McCown
Jim Kelley from Rogers Sportsnet, James Deacon from the FAN590 and Adam Proteau from the Hockey News

NHL Discussion:
The point system and it deception. McCown believes the NHL points system is flawed. He thinks a 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 system for would work for points. This system places emphasis on winning in regulation time (4 points) and puts less emphasis on a shoutout win (2 points). McCown did this analysis on the 2006 - 2007 season and found some surprising results. The best team in the NHL would be the San Jose Sharks and not the Red Wings - they would fall to #2. The most interesting parts come near the bottom, where the Hurricanes would be 15th overall and would be winning their division. This system really shows the strength of the Western conference. Proteau really thinks this system has a legs, and feels it is just too difficult for teams that fall behind early to catch up to those that started the season well. For example, numerous teams, the Leafs included, have gone on some serious win streaks, yet maybe move 1 position up. Kelley and Deacon really loves this system as it forces teams to win a game within 60 minutes. Deacon brings up the point of conflict between the NHL's MO of making hockey more interesting to the casual fan and putting less emphasis on the shootout with this point system. Gary Bettman has been quoted many times as saying that the shootout makes the game more exciting to those casual fans - putting less emphasis on it, may make the NHL look unstable in its decision making. McCown rebuts this by saying the shootout is simply not part of hockey - if it was, why are teams dressing a guy who is a shootout "expert" yet is unable to anything else? Kelley raises the point that some powerhouse teams may runaway from the pack quicker and therefore become "unreachable" and the league's parity would be lost. I think it's a nice idea and may work, but as these guys discussed it would change how GM's would pick their teams and the decisions coaches would make during game - as they want to get the win in regulation.

In addition, and while Bob was on roll, he suggestion to fix the All-Star game: fill the penalty box with cash and who ever wins, gets the cash.

The Pavel Datsyuk contract - too long and will take money away from a good goaltender when Hasek leaves. This move (7 year contract) is very unlike the Red Wings. Overall, the panel agreed this was not a good move, especially given Datsyuk's past playoff history - they should have waited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bettman's ruining the league and has to go!!!